Thursday, January 20, 2011

Palm Oil Estate For Sale

LISTING REF.                                   :           SL 261

SUBJECT PROPERTY                  :           Sungkai, Batang Padang, Perak

CATEGORY OF LAND USE          :           Agricultural

TENURE OF LAND                         :           Freehold

LAND AREA                                     :           Appx. 1,000 acres

TOPOGRAPHY                                :           Flat

CULTIVATION                                  :           Oil Palm trees –
                                                                 700 acres 4 to 7 years’ cultivation
                                                                 300 acres 2 years’ cultivation

INFRASTRUCTURE                       :           Nil

ACCESSIBILITY                              :           Estate Road

SALE PRICE                                                :           RM33,000 per acre

VACANT POSSESSION                :           Completion of sale

REMARKS    :           Yield appx. 450-600 ton each harvest and expected to increase to 1,000 ton
E. & O. E. The above information is provided by the owner/landlord and subject to changes without prior notice.  The firm shall not be held liable due to any discrepancy, mistake or error.  Prospects are advised to verify all facts with the relevant party and authority concerned.
Real Estate Negotiator: GLADWIN

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